S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
Page No. |
Paper |
Certificates |
1. |
Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Silica Gel Incorporated Concrete
R.Yuvaraja, V.Subbulakshmi, S.Swetha, R.Yazhini, P.Kishore |
01-06 |
2. |
Optimization of uses, Production and Overall cost of a plant through Dynamic Prescriptive maintenance
Bobby D. Chilami, Ratan V. Karate, Omkar S. Kakate, Somnath R. Shintre, Shivam M. Shinde, prof. Mr. M. S. Bhandigare |
07-12 |
3. |
Travel Managerial for Trivial Situation Motor Vehicle use Decision Facts
K. Renuka, Dr.R.Muralidharan |
13-15 |
4. |
A Review Paper on Text steganography
Samruddhi Deshmukh, Mitalee Manware, Radhika Chhablani, Shweta Meshram |
16-18 |
5. |
Review on Use of Sea Sand and Bamboo As Building Materials
19-22 |
6. |
Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium and Palm Seed Shell Metal Matrix Composite Using Compaction Technique
Dr. G.Punithakumari, S.Sowmiya, P.Karthika, R. Priyadharsini, P.Saranya |
23-31 |
7. |
Development and Characterization of Solid Dispersions for BCS-II Drug Using Cyclodextrins
Madhavi N, Varsha M, Shivani, Praneeth |
32-37 |
8. |
Real Time Driver Safety Monitoring and Alerting System
Phanishree K, Rachitha B.R, Hafsa Mariyum A, Tarun Teja |
38-42 |
9. |
3D Printing In Aerospace and Its Long-Term Imperishable
S. Ponraj, M. Mayilraj, R. Madhan Kumar |
43-45 |
10 |
Increases in transparency and minimization of malpractice in ration card management system using E-Ration Card with RFID
Ashwini Patil, Kavita Patil. Dhanashri Patil, Tejaswini Shenavi , M. S. Bhandigare |
46-51 |
11 |
Hawk-Eye smart CCTV surveillance System
Anna Irin Anil, Arjun M Mohan, Gopika M S, Midhun Jose, Avani S |
52-56 |
12 |
Characteristics of Victimization in Ahmednagar City in India
Dr. Yogesh Kadam, Dr. Anand Pandit, Balasaheb Bodkhe |
57-60 |
13 |
Efficient Classification and Detection of Lung Nodules Using Deep Learning
Renukesh G, Shreyas KM, Suhas G, Nagateja Y, Dr J T Thirurkrihshna |
61-67 |
14 |
Thiozole based receptor for the detection of toxic cyanide ion with turn on Fluorescence
Ganesan Punithakumari, A. Kiruthiga |
68-71 |
15 |
IoT: False Positive Rate Reduction in Intrusion Detection Systems
Bharti Rana, Ravleen Singh |
72-79 |
16 |
SMART DRAGOMAN: Handwritten Digit Recognition and Text to Speech Translation
Aby Motty, Gopika KV, Jewel Jacob, Manu Martin, Dr Rajesh K S |
80-84 |
17 |
Crowd Control and Monitoring using SSD
Abhijith Lal, Ajayakrishnan J, Amritha S, Josmi K Jose, Avani S |
85-90 |
18 |
Meticulous Review of Present Trends in Risk Management of Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects
Mukkawar Pravin Shankarrao, Prof. R. P. Narwade, Dr. Karthik Nagarajan |
91-95 |
19 |
IoT: False Positive Rate Reduction in Intrusion Detection Systems
Bharti Rana, Ravleen Singh |
96-103 |
20 |
A Comparative Study of Performance Using Sequential Vs Parallel Programming Applied In Genetic Algorithms
Eldaief Donelles, Henriqe A. Richter, Miquéias F.M. Trennepohl, Taís T. Siqueira, Rogério SM Martins, Carlos D. Tweneboah |
104-106 |
21 |
IoT Signal Procedures and Optimization
Tama Daboci, Asha Devi Somar |
107-113 |
22 |
Optimization of Feed System Design in Three Plate Mold for Transparent Case of Electric Meter by Mould Flow Analysis
Md. Abdul jawad, Dr. R Nagaraja |
114-132 |
23 |
Absorption Analysis of solution Potassium chromate (k2CrO4)
H.K. Semwal |
133-135 |
24 |
Analysis and Implementation of Cascaded Multilevel Inverter Topologies
Mirza Mohammad Shadab, Isarar Ahamad, Maruful Haque Ansari |
136-140 |
25 |
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Hybrid Composites Reinforcing with Natural Fibres– A Review
Alam Irshad, Sagar N K |
141-145 |
26 |
Study of Drastic Disaster Events between 2010-2020 in District Pithoragarh by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Applications
Dr. D. S. Parihar, Dr. Ranju Joshi Pandey |
146-157 |
27 |
Applications of Alenezi Transform for handling Exponential growth and Decay Problems
D. P. Patil, B. S. Patel, P. S. Khelukar |
158-162 |
28 |
Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel in River Water by Aqueous Extracts of Rhaphidophora Pertusa
163-167 |
29 |
Annalysis of Dynamic and Wind Response of Tall Building with Vertical Irregularity
168-176 |
30 |
Online Marketing: Challenges ,Opportunities And Its Impact On Society
Dr.P.Jayarani, Sonti Sushila Kishor |
177-181 |
31 |
Finding the Intent of the Customer in Automobile Showroom
Miss.NehaS.Kamble, Miss.AkankshaV.Patil, Miss.NishaS.Swami, Miss. Akanksha M. Kalkutaki, Miss.Dhanshree A.Shinde, Mr.SwapnilV.A.Aryan |
182-186 |
32 |
Stock Prediction using News Headlines
Anita Mary thomas, Gabriel Benny Mathai J, Jishnu Das KS, Krishnapriya kk, Rajesh KS |
187-190 |
33 |
Automated Fire Detection System
Jerin Jose, Akhila Antony, Jojo Thomas, Alisha Susan Prakash, Avani S |
191-194 |
34 |
Landslide Detectionand Warning System
C Amrutha, Munna Mani, Akshay Johnson, Jerin George |
195-201 |
35 |
IoT Based Control and Monitoring of DC Motor Fed by Photovoltaic System
Abhijith K P, Amal Shibu, Eldho Varghese, George Roy |
202-206 |
36 |
Drug Supply Chain Management Using Blockchain
Prasad Nayak B, Preetham V K, Sandeep Kulkarni, Sreejith, Mrs. C K Vanamala |
207-211 |
37 |
BRT Automation (Conventional Opening BRT Lanes Barricades)
Dr. Deepak S. Bankar, Prem Vaidya, Atharva Kadam, Tayyab Patel |
212-220 |
38 |
Development of Image Comparison on PRISM Tracing Applications
Akshay T N |
221-227 |
39 |
Comparative Analysis of Conventional RCC Slab and bubble decks lab in STADD PROSOFTWAEE
228-230 |
40 |
Atmospheric Water Generator
Sajan C, Mohammed Muhsin T, Vaishnav P, Abhinand C Vijayan, Yaroshkha M |
231-242 |
41 |
Seismic Performance of Energy Dissipation Beam in Braced Steel Building
Manju Renjan |
243-248 |
42 |
A Review of BIM Technology Based On the Cloud Used In the Construction Sector
Shivakrishna Panuganti, Vamshikrishna Panuganti, Dr.K. Poongodi, Dr.P.Murthy |
249-256 |
43 |
Multi objective Sectioning Serial Automatic Disassembly Line Balancing Problem Observance the Disassembly Productivity and Energy Consumption
257-271 |
44 |
Generalized Holder's inequalities for extended
Chaudhary-Zubair gamma function
Omprakash Atale |
272-276 |
45 |
Analysis of the Dataset for Air Pollution by Air Quality Prediction Based On Supervised Machine Learning Approach
Arathi H L, Dr Sarojadevi H |
277-282 |
46 |
Machine Learning Algorithms for Road Accident Analysis and Forecasting
Vyshnavi K G, Dr. Nalini N |
283-288 |
47 |
Underwater Sensore Network for GCORP
C T Praveen Chandra, Mohan Babu G |
289-293 |
48 |
Push Over Analysis of RC Frame with Linked Column Frame System
Susan Kuriakose |
294-305 |
49 |
Structural Behaviour of Modified Hollow Core Slab: A Review
Lisnu E A, Usha S |
306-309 |
50 |
Railway Track Power Generation
Mr. Nishigand U Dhumal, Rakesh Bagal, Suraj Masugade, Rahul Ghorpade, Nikhil Nikam |
310-314 |
51 |
Effect of Wick Materials on The Performance of Tubular Solar Still
Amit Kumar, Vivek Sachan |
315-318 |
52 |
Driver Drowsiness Detection System
Sougandh S, Nithil Abraham, Milan J V, Sojan M Sabu, Rahul Krishna, Kavitha S |
319-323 |
53 |
Reverse Gear Mechanism in 2- Wheeler
324-326 |
54 |
Automated Railway Track Crack Detection System
Alan Shaju, Aravind Madhu, Doel Sam |
327-334 |
55 |
Solar Based Automatic Irrigation System
335-339 |
56 |
Smart Home Automation and Gardening
Mrs.V.Karpagam,M.E., Jeevitha AL, Udhaya P, Divyadharshini A |
340-345 |
57 |
Design And Implementation of An Intelligent Intrusion Detection System
Ms. Lakshmi KM, Mrs. Vinitha AV |
346-352 |
58 |
External Adaptive Cruise Control System For Lawbreakers and For Desired Zones
Ms. Swapna T Roy, Mrs. Soumya .P |
353-360 |
59 |
Stock Price Prediction
Prof.Theja N, Abhirama K C, Charitha D S, Ganpath Singh B, Sanjana M S |
361-370 |
60 |
Analysis and Design of Multi-Storey Building Using Etabs Software and Comparing With Different Zones
371-385 |
61 |
Melanoma Disease Detection Using Deep Learning
Sneha A P, Dr.Siddharth B K, Dr. Ravikumar G K |
386-392 |
62 |
Effect of Some Processing Factors Affecting the Yield and Quality of Oil Expression from Pumpkin Seeds
Odunukan R.O., Bankole Y.O., Tanimola O.A., Dare B.T. |
393-399 |
63 |
Drying Methods Impact on Physiochemical Properties of Sliced Ginger (Zingiberofficinale)
Odunukan R.O., Bankole Y.O.,Tanimola O.A., Dare B.T. |
400-407 |
64 |
Gas Leakage Alarm
Dr.Vijayakumar K, Ajay R, Encelin Lovely E, Kirubhashine S |
408-413 |
65 |
Driver Drowsiness Detection
Kavana M C, Indumathi S K |
414-416 |
66 |
Treatment of VIJAYAPUR City Domestic Wastewater by Moving Bed Sequential Batch Reactor
Chetan M, Mahamedrasool A P, Sushmita K, Reeta N, Satish Y |
417-422 |
67 |
Analysis and Comparative Study of Steel Bracing in Reinforced Concrete Building Under Seismic and Wind Load
Shivani B. Dasare, Prof. Mrs. Kariappa M.S. |
423-429 |
68 |
Analysis of G+4 building structure for Seismic Retrofitting using Cross Bracing
Mr. Ajay P. Shinde, Mr. Shubham S. Khomane, Mr. Shubham M. Khade, Mr. Aniket A. Shelar, Mr. Heramb S. Chavan, Mr. Shubham H. Pisal, Mr. A. S. Shah |
430-435 |
69 |
Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning Technique
Mr. Kenaz K Babu, Mr. Valanto Alappat |
436-440 |
70 |
A System for Fake News Detection for Social Media Contents
Mrs. Jasna P, Ms. Sneha Johnson |
441-445 |
71 |
Crowd Management System Using Deep Learning
Anjali Gupta R, Manya H N, Prof. Gagana B R |
446-449 |
72 |
Influence of Wind Loads on Tall Reinforced Concrete Structures in Different Terrains and Zones
Nasrin Abu, Shefeena N |
450-461 |
73 |
Regression Analysis of Deposits Pattern in Fidelity Bank Plc, Lagos
Okorafor, U., Ogunjirin, O., Lucas, B. O. Karokatose, G. B., Martins O. D. |
462-468 |
74 |
Wearable Data Acquisition System for Measurement of Assessment of Repetitive Tasks Rating Of Vehicles
Abheek Paresh Shah |
469-475 |
75 |
Hybrid Converter for DC Grid
Megha C M, Abhirami Sajan P, Anusree K Das, Nayana S R |
476-483 |
76 |
The Nextgen Bot
Kalpalathika Ramanujam, Kumaran Parameshwaran, Saravana Pandian, Karthik Konar |
484-496 |
77 |
AN ICF-DH Based Checklist for Individuals with
Dysphagia Following Stroke In Malayalam
Dr. Satish Kumaraswamy, Nabeel Musthafa, Shivani Rajeev, Ashwini Baby |
497-503 |
78 |
Chatbot For Medical Diagnosis
Sreyas S Sharma, Nikhil G, Sreehari K S, Rohith Raju, Kavitha S |
504-507 |
79 |
Real-time Object Detection using Deep Learning for helping People with Visual Impairments
Ramyashree C A, Dr Sarojadevi H |
508-514 |
80 |
Oxygen Generation from Water Using Electrolysis For Covid 19
Pratik Jadhav, Omkar Nalavade, Shubham Masti, Mangesh Thanekar, Harshvardhan Morbale, Sant Gajanan |
515-518 |
81 |
Dialectical Variation For Vowels In Typical Malayalam
Speaking Children
Dr. Satish Kumaraswamy, Jomin Joseph, Rakshitha S |
519-524 |
82 |
Problems and Challenges for Women Entrepreneurship in India
Manisha Naruka |
525-529 |
83 |
Automated Helmet Detection and Number Plate Recognition
Nandana S, Rahul Ravi, Saranya S, Susan Sabu, Josmy Mathew |
530-534 |
84 |
Spectral, Optical and Thermal Characterization of 2-Aminothiazolium 4-Chlorobenzoate Single Crystal
Robinson S. Jebas, J. Anantha Meena Geetha, V. Suvetha |
535-546 |
85 |
FALSY Profile Detection Using Machine Learning
Kavana M, Ranjitha Kumari Khati, Punith Kumar K P, Adnan Shahab |
547-551 |
86 |
Portable Automatic Waste Segregator for Non-Biodegradable Things
Gowthami A V, Harshini P, Karthik Venkatesh Devadiga, Manoj Y P, Dr. Suma |
552-556 |
87 |
Impact Of Daylight In Northern Style Hindu Temple
Aarushi Dwivedi |
557-566 |
88 |
A Review Paper on different types of attacks in network Security
Sayali.Shinde, B.Mandre, Pankaj.Pardeshi |
567-570 |
89 |
To Compare and Evaluate the Antioxidant Activity of Syzygium Cumini Seeds By different Extracts (Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate, Water)
571-580 |
90 |
An Efficient Approach to Improve Aspect Based Classifier in Customers Review
Sarika Gopinath |
581-584 |
91 |
Inclusion of Financial Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Management and Development of Human Resource in India
Kunal Tiwari, Meet Ramchandani, Vijaya Jain |
585-589 |
92 |
Tunnel Construction – A Case Study of Pune Metro Maha Metro
Dr. P. D. Sabale, PROF. S. J. Yadav, Rushikesh Pawar, Kshitij Gandhi, Vishwajit Khapare, Vaishnavi Kachhave |
590-593 |
93 |
Trend Analysis Approach of Nigeria Treasury Bills
Okorafor, U., Amusa, S.O., Karokatose, G. B., Ogunjirin, O., Alakija, T. O. |
594-600 |
94 |
Fast Electric Vehicle Charging
Ruia Prasanth, Priya Jude, Rahul Suresh, Rohit Joseph Alex |
601-605 |
95 |
Design and Manufacturing automatic Electro-Hydraulic Jack For Light Vehicle
N.U. Dhumal, R.J Patil, R.A.Chavan, S.V Nale, S.D. Yadav, A.B.Khatal |
606-608 |
96 |
Regulating heat stress of dairy animal
Omkar Kikale, Rahul Shinde, Prathamesh Katkar, Sanket Randive, Sagar Chavan |
609-611 |
97 |
An Evaluation of the Global Solar Energy Resource for Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria
Olufemi Oluseye Kehinde, Frederick Ojiemhende Ehiagwina, Ganiyu Kolawole Bamidele, Majeed Jamiu Adekanye |
612-619 |
98 |
Evaluation of Azotobacter Isolates of Fodder Grasses and its Effect on Growth Parameters of Sweet Corn Crop
A. R. Potdar, T.K. Narute, A. R. Kedar |
620-622 |
99 |
Stabilization of Soil Using Bio-Enzyme
623-626 |
100 |
Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning
Neethu Stanly, Preethi Kuruvilla, S Nalanda, Sanju Sabu, Tony Jacob, Kavitha S |
627-631 |
101 |
Narrative's in 5-7 Years Typical Tamil Speaking Children
Dr. Satish Kumaraswamy, Jomin Joseph, Rakshitha S |
632-638 |
102 |
Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Models with Bulk Viscosity
and Decaying Vacuum Energy Density
U.K. Dwivedi |
639-642 |
103 |
Towards Energy Efficiency in Computing
Kanan Dwivedi |
643-651 |
104 |
Solar Powered Battery Charger for Mobile Charging
Greeshma Suresh |
652-655 |
105 |
Black Spot Analysis from Pune to New Mumbai Expressway
Rakesh Kumar, Sanika Ubhe, Supriya Mane, Vaheguru Mathadu |
656-659 |
106 |
Recommendation of Drug Based On Its Reviews Using Machine Learning
Roopa D E, Munzeera Sajid C M, K B Gouthami, Pavana M S, Prince Kumar Singh |
660-665 |
107 |
Detection and Prevention of Fire disasters using Image processing Techniques
Dr. Shailaja Shastri, Ankita. C. Kulkarni, Ananya. K Soundarya |
666-673 |
108 |
Integrated Planning office Automation System- A Critical Review
Sameer D. Patil, Prof. Manisha Jamgade |
674-677 |
109 |
Removal of heavy metals from drinking water-A Review
Monika Agarwal, Rajat Kumar |
678-681 |
110 |
Exploration of phytochemistry & medicinal approach of Callistemon viminalis: A review
Nishtha, Anushka |
682-685 |
111 |
A Case Study on Water Tank Construction by Ferrocement technology
S.M. Gawande, Y.M.Wadje, D. R. Patil, D. H. Giramkar, N. A. Bagat |
686-689 |
112 |
Comparative Analysis of Total Station and GPSPROMAX 3 in Carrying Out Topographic Mapping
Bashir Gambo Adamu, Bankole Malik Abdullateef, Gidado Bakari, Mohammed Umar |
690-702 |
113 |
Design and Fabrication of Ceiling Fan Blades Cleaner
R. Sankar Ganesh, S. Alagar, K.R. Sakthivel, C.A. Jagadish, S. Mahalingam |
703-706 |
114 |
A Review Paper on Agricultural Drainage System
Prof.Grishma Nadkarni, Hualagappa H Gogi, Abhishek S Mali, Aniket R Yashavant, Sachin P Harti |
707-710 |
115 |
Image Scanner
Mohd Faisal, Aditi chhavi, Manali Chauhan, Mrs. Pragya Aggarwal |
711-715 |
116 |
Measures To Protect And Preserve Trees On Civil Engineering Construction Sites
716-723 |
117 |
Discussion on the Current Situation and Future Development of China's Cross-border Digital Trade
Chen Xinguang, Cao Jinxiu |
724-730 |
118 |
Stock Market Research and Analysis
Divyanshu Kantol, Parvathi R |
731-747 |
119 |
Comparative study of environmental social consciousness between high secondary level students
कुसुम देवी |
748-754 |
120 |
Parkinson's Disease Detection Using Xgboost Classifier Machine Learning
Nandan BH, Nisarga SC, Prarthana, Uday Kumar KP,
Mrs. Nethravathi |
755-759 |
121 |
Improving Lifetimein Wireless Sensor Networks Using GMD Mathematical model analysis
Dr-Emad M Ibbini |
760-773 |
122 |
Ms. S.N.Kakarwal, Prajwal Girhe, Sanket Sarvade |
774-778 |
123 |
Construction of new exactly solved quantum potentials
generated from the Quartic powerlaw potential
Dr. Lakhi Buragohain |
779-783 |
124 |
A Comparative Study on Regularization Techniques in Convolutional Neural Networks
A. Agnes Lydia, Sheela Chandrasekar |
784-793 |
125 |
Smart and Secured Home Automation System
Md. Shafiulla, Sesha Sai Sharan Sharma A, Soumya Saraf, Kavya Umesh Nagannavar, Veena Y |
794-797 |
126 |
Resilient Symmetrical 8T SRAM cell for Leakage Power Attack using 90nm CMOS Technology
Jagannath B R, Rashmi D R, Sahana G, Sahana J, Sharanya M |
798-804 |
127 |
Formulaic teaching design of pricing interest rate swaps
Dianli ZHAO |
805-807 |
128 |
Road Accident Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques
Gauri Mane, Vijay U. Rathod |
808-815 |
129 |
Modelling of Wide range output DC-DC converter for EV Charging
Syamily K V, Chaithanya P R, Govindraman S, Illyas Muhammad Arjuvan, Prof.Elizabeth Paul |
816-828 |
130 |
Infant Cry Analysis: A Comparative Study between Low
Birth Weight Infants and Normal Infants
Dr. Satish Kumaraswamy, Nabeel Musthafa, Shivani Rajeev, Aswani Baby |
829-832 |
131 |
Experimental program on hardened properties of geo polymer concrete by using red soil
Venkatesh A L, Mamatha D R, Nayana, Rachanna, Kishor Nayaka |
833-838 |
132 |
Removal of Ironusing Modified Low Cost Adsorbents
Nivya Mary Abraham, Abina Joseph, Anupriya George, Christeena Sony, Junophine N Antony |
839-847 |
133 |
Experimental program on hardened properties of geo polymer concrete by using red soil
Venkatesh A L, Mamatha D R, Nayana, Rachanna, Kishor Nayaka |
848-853 |
134 |
Role of E-Commerce in reducing Operational Cost
Harshitha, K. S. |
854-858 |
135 |
Studies on major Solar proton Events and Coronal Mass Ejection during 2000 to 2005
Tushar S. Masti, Babasaheb M. Mohite, Shivanand A. Masti |
859-867 |
136 |
The Design of Collecting Shuttlecocks Robot Based on Object Detection
Changjiang Mo, Zan Huang |
868-875 |
137 |
Theoretical Investigation of Zero Field Splitting
Parameters of Mn2+ doped YAP Crystal at Orthorhombic
Symmetry Site
Ram Kripal |
876-881 |
138 |
Malaria Detection from Blood Cell Images using Convolutional Neural Network Model
Harsha Tiwari, Jyoti Kansari |
882-888 |
139 |
Comparative study of environmental social consciousness between high secondary level students
कुसुमदेवी |
889-895 |
140 |
Evaluation of Clay Deposits in Lafia, Awe & Keana Local Government Areas of Nasarawa State North Central Nigeria For Suitability as Electrical Porcelain Insulators for High Voltage Applications
Engr. Obande Jonathan O. |
896-900 |
141 |
Isolation and Optimization of Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Degrading Bacteria from Soil
Dr. R. D. Joshi, M.A. Bhate, S. S.Kulkarni, S.S. Jinturkar, V. P. Kulkarni |
901-906 |
142 |
Experimental Investigation on Concrete by Loofah Fiber as Reinforcement and Partial Replacement of Cement by Coconut Shell ASH
Mrs.S.Mithra, R.Jayaatchaya, G.Krithika, R.Sona |
907-913 |
143 |
A Patient-Centric Health Information Exchange Framework Using Blockchain Technology
Dr.SYED SALIM, Apeksha G, H MKavya, Spoorthi D, Syeda Yusra Asgar |
914-924 |
144 |
Conceptual Framework for Fee Automation System
Deepak Kumar Verma, Vishal Pandey, Deep Sagar Agrahari, Anubhav Rai |
925-928 |
145 |
Crop Plants Leaf Image Classification using Machine Learning Approach
xxxxxxxx |
929-941 |
146 |
Defining Literature for Children
Dr A. Jothimalar |
942-943 |
147 |
Crotalaria pallida: A New Recorded for Valsad District, Gujarat, INDIA
Hirali D. Patel, Dilipkumar D. Patel, Hitesh A. Solanki |
944-946 |
148 |
Cloud Extensible and Optimized Cloning Of Multiple Operating System Installation
A.Rakesh, P.Venkatasubramani |
947-949 |