S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
Certificates |
1. |
A Conceptual Study on Innovative Hr Practices in Indian Banking Sector
Dr Suvarun Goswami |
2. |
Web-based Vaccination Mapping and Profiling with SMS Support: Its Usability to Health Workers in One City in the Philippines
Rovilyn S. Osalla, Dina L. Datolayta, Kristine T. Soberano |
3. |
Experimental study on the compactness of assembled bridge sleeve grouting
Zhou Hang, Zhai Wenxu, Li Jinfeng |
4. |
Research on Protein Sequence Alignment
Zhichong Ma |
5. |
Treatment of Wastewater Containing Hazardous Pollutant-Phenol Generating From Resin Manufacturing Industry by Adsorption
Kalpesh kumar S Patel, Dr. Bibhabasu Mohanty |
6. |
A Study on Reverse Osmosis Membrane Fouling and Its Control Strategies for Food Industries
Chirag K. Bavarva, Dr. Y.S.Patel |
7. |
Comparison of Vocal Hygiene Awareness in Pastors and Priests
Ms. Shikha Merin Philip, Mrs. ViniAbhijith Gupta |
8. |
Enhancement of PV-Wind Plant Output Power via the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Peace Barididum Biragbara, Idoniboyeobu, D. C., Ahiakwo , C. O., Braide , S. L., Amadi . H. N. |
9. |
Review Article: Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Air-conditioning System Based on Data-driven Method
Shuanghua Caoa, Anxiong Zhua, Weichao Zhaoa, Haosen Gao, Junwei Fang, Qingyang Chen, Zhaoxin Li |
10. |
Analysis of the construction details and security aspects of Atal tunnel
Dr.K. Thirumalai Raja, Dr.P.S. Venkatanarayanan, T. Ramkubair, A. Anish, A. Hariharan, P. Sujith, R. Santhoshkumar, E. Murulidharan, J. Mruthun, A. Mohamed Ashraf, S. Kamalesh, AR. B. Vishnukumar |
11. |
Effect of Pineapple Skin Bioethanol on 92 Octane Fuel and Engine Speed on Gasoline Engine Performance
Yuniarto Agus Winoko, Ageng Ryan Firmansyah |
12. |
Progress in Application of Chitosan-based Food Packaging Materials
Min Lin |
13. |
Random Forest Algorithm based Security in IoT
Rajani S. Pujar |
14. |
A Deep learning-based object detection Method for UAVs
JIA Liyng |
15. |
Machine Learning Techniques for Forecasting the
Damages Caused to BuildingsDue to Earthquake
Dr.J. Ravi kumar , Dr.Jyothi R |
16. |
Artificial Neural Network Based Study of Impact of Austenitizing on the Toughness of Hot Die Steel
Rajnish Shandil, Mehar Chand |
18. |
The Effect of the Online Tiered Referral System of BPJS Health on Patient Satisfaction at Royal Prima Hospital Medan In 2022
Xu Lingyan, Fioni, Liena |
19. |
Study of sugar mill effluent and its impact on sunflower seed germination and growth (Helianthus annuus L.)
Sekar Manikandan, Sampantham sasikumar, Pandu Thamizhiniyan |
20. |
Cloud Based Smart Healthcare Management System Using Blue Eyes Technology
Soni P Sunil, Joel I. Patrick, Manu V Nair |
21. |
Topology optimization Method Research based on submodel method
Zhang Bo,Zhou Kui |
22. |
Comparing the Electricity Forecast Performance of the ANFIS and the LSSVM Modelsfor a Case of Suppressed Demand
Omogbai Nelson Oyakhilomen, Abonyi Sylvester Emeka |
23. |
Fabrication of Cam Mechanism Operated Hammer
J. raviteja, D. Shanmukh, P. Jathin Krishna reddy, P. Nithish kumar, S.pavankalyan reddy, G. Durga Prasad. , M. Tech |
24. |
An Analysis Of The Interventions For Early Mobilization On Changes In Pain Levels In Postoperative Appendicectomy Patients At The Royal Prima Hospital In Medan In 2022
Yun Linjun, Fioni, Liena |
25. |
Analysis Of Factors For The Completeness Of The Outpatient Bpjs Patient File Against The Return Of Bpjs Claim Status At Royal Prima Marelan Hospital
Tang Xia, Liena |
26. |
Study on influence of foamed light soil admixture based on orthogonal test
Huang Hongbin |
27. |
Synergistic emission reduction benefits of coal-fired power plants in the Yangtze River Delta region
Li Bin |
28. |
Phytochemical investigation, antioxidant properties and pharmacological activity of extract of Salvia officinalis
Jitendra kumar, Poonam kumari,Anurag yadav, Vijay Chandra, Ramujagar singh |
29. |
Study of the Density and Viscosity of a Suspension in Potassium Sulfate Conversion
KhusaynMukhamadiyev , DilbarRamazonova, MurodjonSamadiy |
30. |
"A study on I.C.D.S. scheme under provides Ready to cook food. Take home rations (THR) food packet use, awareness in beneficiary Gujarat state in Amreli district".
Amreliya Kirtiben B., Amreliya Gaytriben B., Tatmiya Vedikaben B. Guide:- Nilambariben N, Dave. Saurastra Uni. |
31. |
LPG Gas Leakage Detection using Arduino
P. Manohar, G. Rohitha, M. Udaykiran, G. Sakeena, N. Navya, M. Uma Maheswar |
32. |
Construction of a New Basis Collocation Method for the Solution of Some Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind
ETUK, M. O, Victor Okolobah, UWAHEREN, O.A, USMAN, A.M |
33. |
Smart Plug for Electricity Control
Lute Vasant Ramrao, Acharya Kunal Anil, Hanges Saurabh Ravindra, Suryawanshi Ashwini Bhausaheb, Prof. Sachin Ganeshrao Phiske |
34. |
Basic security policies in Information Technology
Enrique Ramírez-Méndez, David Asael Gutiérrez-Hernández |
35. |
Factors and Strategies to Achieve Stereoselectivity of Glycosylation Reaction: A Review
Zhining Xu, Xingyong Liang, Jingyuan Fan, Lizhi Ouyang, Hua-Jun Shawn Fan |
36. |
Consolidation analysis of composite ground improved by CCSG columns with short core under time-dependent loading
JIN Defu |
37. |
Preparedness of Regular Teachers in the Implementation of
Inclusive Education in the Philippines: A Meta-synthesis
Angel Alcosero, Hyghea Carcueva, Mied Cindy Abasolo, Wilny Marie Arranchado, Angelito Cabanilla Jr. |
38. |
Wireless Charging Of Electric Vehicle While Driving
Shinde Nikhil Ashok, Rajput Yuvraj Santosh, GawliSaurabh Prakash, BhorRoshan Shantaram |
39. |
Multi Label Based Feature Classification Model In Bigdata Information Extraction
Manjunatha Swamy C, Dr.S.Meenakshi Sundaram, Dr.Lokesh M R |
40. |
Abstractive Text Summarization
Manchikanti Vikas, Goli Anusha, Nittala Aishwarya, Mr.G.L.Anand Babu |
41. |
An Investigational Study on Hand Gesture Recognition By Accelerometer- Supported Systems
Ms. Rajeswari.s, Ms.Jayanthi.M |
42. |
Power Generation System for Bike From Waste Heat
Pawar Dhiraj Rajendra, Javheri Omkar Rajendrasing,Agawane Nikita Pandurang, SomaseDipali Rajendra |
43. |
Analysis of the Current Research Status on Rolling Cutter Wear in Soil-Rock Composite Strata
Ning Zhang, Yun-Gui Pan |
44. |
Cost effective procurement pattern for steel reinforcement in volatile market conditions
Ar. Himanshu Chavan, Prof. Atul Dighe, Prof. Anjali Jadhav |
45. |
Modification and Android Application Development of Blaney-Morin-Nigeria Evapotranspiration Estimation Model For Use In Gombe State, Nigeria
LABURTA Ibrahim Ismaila; IBRAHIM Ahmed Usman; ABDULLAHI Abubakar Sadiq; BARANZAN Emmanuel Samuel |
46. |
Smart Lock System Using RFID with Light Automation
P. Manohar, P. Saddam, P. Navya Jyothi, E. Sai Latha, K. Subash, C. Ranadheep Reddy |
47. |
Comparative analysis of methods for streaming and broadcasting of analog CCTV camera
Kartick Upadhyay |
48. |
Effect of Spark Plug Electrode Tip Shape Variations On Motorcycle Engine Emissions
Yuniarto Agus Winoko,
Fery Sapta Wijaya, Umi Anis Ro'siatin |
49. |
Effect of Brand Image, Service Quality and Facilities on Hospitalization Patients' Satisfaction at Rs Royal Prima Medan
Lin Fan |
50. |
Serum Biochemical Profiles of Growing Yankasa Rams Fed Urea Ensiled Millet Stover Based Diet with Different Supplements
Yusuf, A, Abubakar, M, Garba, M. G., Idowu, W, Adebayo, R. |
51. |
Investigate the Optimal 3DPrinting Parameters for Controlled-Release
Han Liu, YunjieYang, Zepei Li, Shuai Chen, Ben Yao, Jingyuan Fan, Lizhi Ouyang, Hua-Jun Shawn Fan |
52. |
Artificial Intelligence in Transportation
Ajith Chandran G, Aswin Raj, Ayush Vinod, Asst. Prof Amrutha babu |
53. |
Seismic Analysis of Plan Irregular Diagrid Structure
Sumit Modi, Lavina Talawale |
54. |
A Survey Paper on Learn Smart using Augmented Reality
Nidhishree D S, Sowmya R, Spoorthi P M, Suchetha J, Prof. Sameena H S |
55. |
A Survey Paper on a Model for Prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Nireeksha N S, Rohith K, Panchami A, Swathi A, Swathi A |
56. |
Evolution of Immunity & Immune System
57. |
Risk Perception among Settlers Living Along Major Highways in Benin City, Edo State-Nigeria
Omeche Vitalis Maduka, Oluwayomi Joel Oyejide, Ekwem Festus Chibuzo |
58. |
Automated Highway System
Osamah Abdulrahman Abdulraheem Abdo AL-wafi, Mr.Muaadh Mohmmed Muthanna Hasan Al-sawrqi |
59. |
Smart Resume Analyser
Ms.Y.Sowjanya, Mareddy Keerthana, Pulluri Suneeksha, Dorgipati Sai Sri Harsha |
60. |
Smart &Automated Fire& Smoke Detection, Monitoring and Alarm System
Tanusree Saha, Prolay Ghosh, Annwesha Banerjee, Tanisha Roy, Sujit Goswami, Ashutosh Shaw |
61. |
Indoor model test study on the interaction between existing building renovation and adjacent foundation pit excavation
SHAO Li, LIU Ning, LI Chuang, YAN Chao, QIN Jinyu |
62. |
Anandhu Jayakumar, Arathy R, Adhithyan Jayaprakash, Asst Prof Sherin Mary Andrews |
63. |
Web-Based Undergraduate Student's Academic Curriculum Project Management
Bimal Saggu, Cheelam Akshay Kumar, Bharatha Anirudh, Mr. G. Sekhar Reddy |
64. |
Detection of Malicious Social Bots
Prof. Ravindranath R C, Tejashwini C, Vatsala M |
65. |
Netflix Movie Recommendation Using Cosine Similarity
66. |
Catalytic Ozonation by Chalcopyrite for the Degradation of Oxalic Acid in Water
Bokang Liu, Xiaoyue Wang, Siru Zhang, Junkai Zhao |
67. |
Kinetic Study of Osmium Tetra Oxide Catalyzed Oxidative Degradation of Butane-2,3 Diol By N-Bromosaccharin
S.K. Singh, Deepti Pandey, Shashi Sonakiya |
68. |
Emergency Security Device for Women Using GSM and Arduino with GPS Tracking
P. Manohar, B. Indrani, B. Mounika, B. Bhavana, Y. Hemanth Kumar,
P. Krishna Govardhan Reddy |
69. |
Self esteem among relatives of substance abusers
Amanpreet Kaur, Charanjit Kaur, Navpreet Kaur |
70. |
Cryptojacking Detection With Process Analysis
Dr.Y.Venkataramana Reddy, S.Bhaskar, G.Vinila, B.Abhilash |
71. |
Bikgo(A mobile app for instant Bike rentals) Using Flutter
Mr. G. Sai Krishna, A.Ajay Chandra Kumar, S.Leela Deepak, Kamalnath |
72. |
Fake Accounts Detection on Social Media (Instagram And Twitter)
Dr.P.V Kumar, S.Shanthi Vardhan, Y.Kavya, K.Badri Singh |
73. |
Court Case Management Sytem
Dr.A.Prashanth Rao, G.Deepthi, I.Indhupriya, Nabeela Kausar |
74. |
Bhogie Detachment Alarm System
Dr.A.Prashnath Rao, M.Tarun Kumar, N.Amrutha, M.Arun Kumar |
75. |
Design of Interleaved Inverter Topology for Photovoltaic Applications and Analysing its Performance
Y. Sathish Kumar, P. J. Chinmayee, K. Afreed Baba, S. Mahammad Subahan, B. Jahnavi, K. Indrakshi |
76. |
Development of E-Commerce site with JavaScript and AJAX using Java platform on Apache Tomcat as server via Spring Boot and MySQL as Database
K. Santoshachandra Rao, E. Yuvaraj, S. Rohan, G. Ashritha |
77. |
Machine learning based healthcare system for investigating the association between depression and quality of life
Y. Sowjanya, K .Madhavi Reddy, G.Radhika, Y.Ragasree |
78. |
Investigating the Biopolymer Properties of Neem Leaf Extract for Food Packaging Applications
Ayuba, L.O., Alu, F.C., Willoughby, F.A., Ojo, O.A. |
79. |
Combined Decision of Deep Learners for the Detection of Skin Cancer
Dr S Selvakani, Mrs K Vasumathi, G Ajith |
80. |
Accident Prevention System using Deep Learning
E. Prakruthi ,U. Srikanth,E. Aishwarya , B.Pruthvi Raj Goud |
81. |
Fundamental Elements of Drone Management Systems in Air Traffic Planning
Hong-Tien Nguyen, Xuan-Long Trinh, Van-Tai Nguyen, Quang-Khai Phung, Vuong-Thao Tran, Manh-Hung Duong, Dinh-Dung Nguyen |
82. |
Critical Small Scale LNG Technologies
Ravi Kiran Dasari |
83. |
Structure and performance analysis of a solar energy bed
with thermal storage
Xiao Han-Lu, Guo Qing-Yu |
84. |
Custom Convolutional Neural Network Method Based Alzhemeir's Disease Classification
Ms .S. Madeline Arockiya Shiney, Ms. R. Sumathy |
85. |
Alcohol Detection and Vehicle Engine Locking System
Dr.G.Meerimatha, R.Bhavitha, C.Manasa, P.Lavanya, L.Ganesh,
S.Anil Kumar |
86. |
Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease Using Machine Learning and Data Science
Pragya Tiwari, Shivang Singh, Jatin Singh, Divyansh |
87. |
Honour Killing in India: A Socio-Legal Problem
Mr. Suresh Kumar |
88. |
Distributive Justice as a gateway for access to justice
Archana Singh |
89. |
Gender Equality: Women Empowerment
Ms. Anandita Gaur |
90. |
Development of BCI Application in Gaming
Hao Yang Zhang |