S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
Certificates |
1. |
The Influence of Hot & Cold Rolling and Hot-Dip Galvanizing Process on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Low Carbon Steels
Dr. Musbah Kharis Maatgi |
2. |
A Study on Direct Marketing as the Most Effective Form of Marketing
Dr. Chanpreet |
3. |
Energy conservation on the basis of structure of bacterial genome
Subhan Dutta |
4. |
Further Results on Strongly Perfect Graphs
Mahadevaswamy.B.S. |
5. |
Effect of Welding Process on the Hardness Characteristics of Welded and Heat-treated 304L: Statistical Approach
Ochuko Goodluck UTU, Okiemute Dickson OFUYEKPONE |
6. |
Exploring the Potential of Blockchain Technology in the Construction Industry: Applications and Implications
Sharaf AL-Deen Waleed A.Rahman AL-Smadi, ZaidIbrahim Ahmad Al-Sheyab, Abdalrahman Hammoudah Yousef Alhndawi, Amjad Shafiq Mahmoud Husienat |
7. |
An experimental on office comfort of intelligent cockpit based on subjective evaluation
Jianjun Yang, Ruizhi Qiu, Shanshan Xing,Yimeng Chen,Yiqiang Peng |
8. |
The Design and Fabrication of an Improved Diesel
Powered Hydraulic Red Brick Molding Machine
Odunlami Samson.A , Orelaja Oluseyi.A, Adeleke Michael.B, Ibrahim, G.W., Olabode Oladele. M |
9. |
Rssi Based Trilatertion for Outdoor Localization in Zigbee Based On Smart Helmet
Mr.P.Lakshminarayanan, S.Prasanth, R.Rikesh, R.Chandramouli |
10. |
Generation of Irregular Satin and Sateen Weaves
Yumnam Kirani Singh |
11. |
Analysis of Carbon Emissions of HVAC Systems for
Public Buildings in China based on LCA
Zhongjia Zhang |
12. |
Design of self-tuning PID controller using fuzzy logic for DC motor speed
Ala Eldin Abdallah Awouda |
13. |
Obtaining Measurements of Mineral Ore Using Image Processing.
Mrs. Swaroopa, Dr.M.V.Vijaya Saradhi Professor |
14. |
Finite Element Simulation of Precast Concrete T-beam and Column Joints with Floor Slabs
Li Jiaxin,Liu Weidong |
15. |
Alum as a greener catalyst in Organic Synthesis
Deepali Mahajan |
16. |
Recent Advances in Defluoridation of Water using Alumina based Adsorbents: A Review
Madhu Sudan Sharma, Jai Shanker Acharya |
17. |
Concrete Strength Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Survey
Isheeta Batra, Raghavendra Prasad H D, S. Vijaykumar |
18. |
Flood Estimation Using GIS
Rupali R.Chavan, G. K.Patil |
19. |
Absorption spectral studies of Ho3+ ions doped in some oximes
Jai Shanker Acharya |
20. |
Few bonding parameters study, on the basis of spectral intensity of Dy3+ ion in solution of some organic oximes
Jai Shanker Acharya |
21. |
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) Analysis of Chamarajnagara District Karnataka India Using Landsatdata
Krishnamurthy, Irfan Manzoor Bhat, Dr. Asima Nusrath |
22. |
Mining Analysis on the Correlation between Football Player's Competency and Value Based on Machine Learning
Mingming Shen, Siyu Wang, Mengyao Wang, Huanhuan Chen |
23. |
A Machine Learning Approach to Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer using Urinary Biomarkers
Sarvesh.E |
24. |
Detection of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Using Machine Learning Techniques
Dr. Jyothi R, Shivani H C, Vidyashree, Yashaswi R, Sumanth R |
25. |
Voltage Sag Enhancement of Grid Connected Hybrid Pv-Wind Power System Using Battery and SMES Based Statcom
26. |
A systematic study of the mathematical modeling of the strength-duration relationship
Burhan BEZEKCI |
27. |
Effect of Mono Potassium Phosphate and Calcium Fertilizer on Yield and Sweetness of Siam Orange Fruit on Off-Season Production
Ni Komang Alit Astiari, Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati, I Gede Sutapa, I Nyoman Rai |
28. |
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-
b][1,3,4] thiadiazine Scaffolds
Nagaraj, A., Nageswara Rao, G. |
29. |
Design and Fabrication of Air Preheater for Spark Ignition Engine for Determining Engine Performance
Darshan Singh Tomar,
Prof. Shamir Daniel,
Prof. Amit Khare |
30. |
Experiments for Counterflow Flame over a Tsuji Burner
Hsing-Sheng Chai, Che-Cheng Chang, Chiun-Hsun Chen |
31. |
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the modified topaz irradiation process at ETRR-2
H.F. Elbakhshawangy, O. S. Abd El-Kawi, Abdelfatah Abdelmaksoud |
32. |
Parkinson's Disease Detection & Self Stabilising Spoon With Health Analysis Using Ml And Iot
33. |
Rated Perceived Exertion of Female Technicians In Aviation Maintenance, Repair And Overhaulin Malaysia
Mohd Harridon, DyanaSyuhada Hashim, Abu Hanifah Abdullah, Amir Hakimin |
34. |
Multi-object optimization algorithm applied in integrated energy system : a review
Pengyang Li, Shoujie Yan |
35. |
Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Gonado-somatic index of Swiss albino mice
Dr. Seema Pareek, Dr. Anita Ranga |
36. |
Matrix Chain Multiplication - "Kumjeev's – Algorithm"
37. |
Shashi Shekhar Vidyarthi |
39. |
A Study on "Hr Business Partners" At JSW Steel
Dr. Rekha N Patil, Priyanka |
40. |
Analysis of Wear Resistance Liners for Increasing Life Cycle of Industrial Steel Part
Bharat Singh Baghel, Dr. Rahul Joshi, Mr. Rahul Nandwal, Dr. Mayank Ladha, Mr. Manoj Sharma |
41. |
Recognition of Hate Mongering contents in Social Media using Global Vector (GloVe) plus BiLSTM and Cost Function Analysis
Prashant Dutta, Pranay Dutta, Naveen Kumar Bharti |
42. |
Examination of Parks in Terms of Cleanliness: A Case Study from Efeler, Aydin (Türkiye)
Baris Kara, Ebru Yetkin, Sumeyra Dogan, Aykut Can Kara, Ipek Melisa Ozmekik, Hayati Berk Saygili, Nilay Sahin |
43. |
Exploring Human Computer Interaction in the Design of Graphical User Interface
James Neil B. Mendoza, Dorothy G. Buhat-Mendoza |
44. |
Hardware Watermarking for Finite State Machines, with Symmetric Circuit Encryption
James Gil de Lamadrid, Seonho Choi |
45. |
A Replacement of Fiber Base Waste Fishnet Sheets To Asbestos To Minimize Environmental Impact
Mr. Yogesh sudhir pawar, Prof. Jayant A Patil |
46. |
Additive Manufacturing Training Needs Assessment
Philip Rufe |
47. |
Socio-Ecological Drivers and Dynamics of Limnothrissa Miodon on Lake Tanganyika: A Case of Mpulungu District
George Kambonge, Liberty Mweemba |
48. |
A Review of Techniques for Regularization
Jude Chukwura Obi, Ibebuike Chinenye Jecinta |
49. |
A Novel Hybrid Gwo-Pso Optimization Technique for Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem Solution
Mr. G Sudhagaran, Mr. S jaisiva |
50. |
Measurement and analysis of indoor carbon dioxide concentration and temperature and humidity
Siyi Hou, Yang Liu , Zhongwei Huang |
51. |
Progress in Polymer Composite Materials for Cryogenic Applications
Shrabani Ghosh, Swapan C. Sarkar |
52. |
Tribological Characterization of Inconel 718 under Varying Load Conditions
53. |
Experimental Study on Thermal performance of solar concentrator using Paraffin wax as Phage Change Material (PCM) at different depth of water
Ravi Shankar Chaubey, Sanjay Chhalotre, Ravishanker V choudri |
54. |
An Automated System to Predict Heart Disease Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques
Gudla Karthik, Sandeep Kaur, Kadali Sai Vinesh, Satti Vijay Bhaskar Reddy |
55. |
Monthly and annual variation of aerosol optical depth over Indian landmass using Oceansat 2 data
A K Mishra, Yogesh Kant |
56. |
Design, Fabrication, and Development of an Automated Seed-Sowing Machine
ADEDEJI Kasali A, LAMIDI Sheriff B, OKE Elijah S, ABESHINBIOKE Olanrewaju U |
57. |
Applying Concepts of Physics 201 in Daily Workout Exercises
Amilsa Ferreira, Dr. Dipti Sharma |
58. |
Urban Slums: Eyesore for India
Meet R. Patel, Himanshu J. Padhya, Jency P. Mevawala |
59. |
Budget Participation and Budget Emphasis Effects on Budgetary Slack in Baitul Mal waTanwil (BMT) Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java Applying the Mardhotillah Theory
Djoko Kristianto, Suharno, Asa Novia Apriliya |
60. |
Regression analysis of user level based on Netease cloud user data set
Xinyu Wang, Feiran Gao, Haoyao He, Qingke Cai |
61. |
Challenges Encountered by the Students in the Face-to-Face Class Implementation in the Post-COVID Learning Context
Ariston G. Vasquez, Alfred Rey G. Vasquez, Connie Q. Maulion |
62. |
Practices and Academic Performance of Pupils in the Modular Distance Learning
Cecilia P. Antonio, Ariston G. Vasquez, Donna Mae P. Lachica |
63. |
Seismic Analysis of RCC Irregular Buildings with Shear Wall and Steel Bracings
Yachana Wakchaure, Prof. Roshni John |
64. |
The Psychoanalytic Theory And Personality Organization: A Study Of Margaret Atwood's Major Novels
Dr. Rajendran M, Bavani R, Anbarasi R, Diviya Bharathi R |
65. |
Margaret Atwood: A Contemporary Canadian Writer and Novelist –A Study
Dr. Rajendran M, Bavani R, Anbarasi R, Diviya Bharathi R |
66. |
A Psychoanalytic Theory: D.H.Lawrence: Sons And Lovers – A Study
Dr. Rajendran M, Bavani R, Anbarasi R, Diviya Bharathi R |
67. |
A Psychoanalytic Theory: Arthur Miller's Plays: Death Of A Salesman, All My Sons Andwalt Whitman's Poem: The Sleepers – A Study
Dr. Rajendran M, Bavani R, Anbarasi R, Diviya Bharathi R |
68. |
A Psychological Analysis of Albert Camus the Stranger – A Study
Dr. Rajendran M, Bavani R, Anbarasi R, Diviya Bharathi R |
69. |
A Review of Intrusion Detection Technique Based on Hybrid Ensemble Learning Algorithms
xxxxxxx |
70. |
Monthly and annual variation of aerosol optical depth over Indian landmass using Oceansat 2 data
A K Mishra, Yogesh Kant |
71. |
Nanomaterials for Antimicrobial Coatings
Rahul Sinha, Dr. S.K. Zilpe |
72. |
Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil In Various Cropping Systems In Marathwada Region Of Maharashtra
C. M Jagtap, A.V. Kumbhar |
73. |
Vegetable Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning
xxxxxx |
74. |
Removal of Na2SO4 on historical buildings with bentonite clay
NeĢe IġIK, Ahmet ġahin ZAĠMOĞLU, Bünyamin DÖNMEZ, Temel YETĠMOĞLU |
75. |
A Framework for the Diagnosis and Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
EMMAH, Victor Thomas, IBIOBU, Aketuphel Noble, COOKEY, Ibiere Boma |
76. |
Applying Concepts of Force and Torque to Different Parts of Human Body at Various Angles
Maura Tanci, Dr. Dipti Sharma |
77. |
Detection of Bilirubin for Neonates Using LDR with Machine Learning Algorithm
Karthika A, Aarthi S, Shamyuktha N, Anagha PM |
78. |
Dynamic Wind Load Analysis of Different configuration of Bundled tube RCC structural systems
Riddhi Wadekar, Roshni John |
79. |
Identity of pesticides and insecticides in various fruits and veggies
Mr. Revannath A. Gurgude |