S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
Certificates |
1. |
Promoting Employee Engagement in Work in Business Enterprises
Ruta Meiste, Sandra Jakstiene |
2. |
Comparative analysis of computational based motif refinement methods
Prince Joseph |
3. |
Digital Readiness as an antecedent to digital transformation journey in organizations
Divya Gupta, Dr Bala Krishnamoorthy, Dr. O.P. Wali |
4. |
Analysis of Drivers of Solid Waste Minimization at Source in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania.
Abdon Salim Mapunda, Richard Joseph Kimwaga, Shaaban Kassuwi |
5. |
Microwave-assisted synthesis of Bis-histidinato nickel (II) complex and its luminescence properties
Coddy Cash, Hashini N. K. Herath, Harshica Fernando, Gina M. Chiarella, Lihong Zhang, Liang Yang, Hua-Jun S. Fan |
6. |
Artificially Intelligent Virtual Assistant Chatbot
7. |
Studies on the formulation and evaluation of the Aceclone Matrix Drug Delivery System using Natural Gum from the Satpuda Region
Miss. Monika Shirsath, Miss. Gayatri Mahale, Mr. Utkarsh Mandage, Mr. Nikhil Chaudhari, Miss. Jagruti Patil,
Mr. Dr. Pankaj Chaudhari |
8. |
Use of Artificial Intelligence in achieving environmental sustainability
Deyasini das |
9. |
Crop Exhortation Using Machine Learning Approach
10. |
Presence of Coulomb Diffraction Interference in 9Be(11Be,10Be)X Reaction
Ravinder Kumar |
11. |
Extraction and Analysis of Caffeine from Various Sources: A Review
Alka Gupta, Jiya Lal Maurya |
12. |
Median Graphs-A Survey
Seema Varghese |
13. |
Durability Properties of Concrete Developed Using Quarry Dust
14. |
Effect of Inert Gas Treatment on the Quality of Biocharcoal Briquettes
Rudy Sutanto, I Made Suartika |
15. |
Neurointegral Methodology Based Adapted Neurosciences In Mental - Well Being: Case Study - 1
Dr. Julio César Ramírez Vargas,
Col. Prof. Dr. J Satpathy, Isaidys A. A. Silva |
16. |
Re-Utilization of Shots for Shot Blast Machine by Design of Experiment: Solution for Environment Friendly disposition & better sustainability
Tarun Upadhyay, Shashank Mishra, Jagdish Prasad Jangir |
17. |
Responses of SMRF Raft Foundation for Soil Structure Interaction Under Seismic Effects
Mr.Yugant Bhavsar, Prof. Ajaykumar Hamane |
18. |
Effects of Sloping Ground on Analysis of Cicular Water Tank
Mr. Meet Dama, Prof. Ayyazoddin Shaikh |
19. |
Statistics, Advantages, Challenges and Designing of buildings using Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Aman Kumar, Devnita Polley |
20. |
Water Resource Planning and Management Using WEAP and SWAT Models- A Review
Shebina Hussain |
21. |
A survey of machine learning techniques for anomaly detection in cybersecurity
AL. Sayeth Saabith, T. Vinothraj, MMM.Fareez, MM. Marzook |
22. |
The Total Mechanical Energy (Δ): Theory and Typical Applications
23. |
Ultrasonic Welding Technology: A Review
Duong Van Thiet |
24. |
SAP HANA Database Restart At Blazingly Fast Speed: An Overview
Rajesh Azmeera, Rhea Khanna, Deepak Nanuru Yagamurthy |
25. |
Design of a Sentiment Classification Model for Product Reviews Based on Deep Learning
Demao Xiong, Zhan Wen, Hong Jiang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Wenzao Li |
26. |
Emergency of Marburg Virus A Global Perspective on Fatal Outbreaks and Clinical Challenges
Mrs. Prajakta Vilas Patil, Mr. Yashwant Sanjay Ahire, Mr. Utkarsh Ravindra Mandage, Miss. Jagruti ravindra patil, Miss. Snehal pravin chaudhari, Mr. Harshal Dipak Borse
Dr. Pankaj M Chaudhari, Dr. Gajanan Tulasiram Daphal, Dr. Swapnil Dilip Deo |
27. |
Ethics and Philosophy in Buddha's Teachings
28. |
Design and installation of a system for the sanitation of domestic wastewater with a capacity of 1.5 liters per second through a constructed wetland in the town of San Diego of Alejandria Jalisco, Mexico
Aldo A. Castañeda Villanueva |
29. |
An overview of cultural shifts in society using the NLP algorithm, a constructive study for sentiment analysis on the Twitter platform
Dr. Mohammed Nazeh Alimam, Zeynab Piryaee |
30. |
Factors That Determine GDP per Capita among Asian Countries
Angelito B. Cabanilla Jr. |
31. |
Challenges with Existing Diversity Forms in the North-America Job Career Portal using Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud System
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
32. |
Adding New Custom Diversity Forms to North America Jobs Career Portal using Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud System
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
33. |
Using Layered questions solving the existing challenges with the Existing Diversity Forms in North America Career Portal
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
34. |
Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud system design limitations in capturing Diversity information using available forms in the North-America and using information block as Diversity Block
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
35. |
Strategically implementing a series of critical refinements to organization external-facing career portal, how can these changes effectively entice and engage top-tier, high-caliber talent as part of the organization recruitment initiatives
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
36. |
How to set up proper termination approval processes in an organization for ensuring that terminations are conducted legally, fairly, and in accordance with company policies. These approvals protect both the organization and its employees while promoting transparency, consistency, and ethical behavior in the workplace.
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
37. |
How to differentiate country specific requisition templates when rolling out the Oracle Talent Acquisition System for more than 5 countries
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
38. |
Why Are Approval Workflows Failing In Fusion Core-HR & How Can They Be Resolved
Sai Raj Kondogi Shiridi |
39. |
Integrating Taleo with Amazon Lex Chatbot using API and PaaS/Middleware/SOA/ICS
Oracle Corporation |
40. |
Image Dehazing using GMAN
Abhishek Sharma, Urvi Joshi, Dr.V.Pandimurugan |
41. |
Influence of the UTAUT2 Model on Consumer Repurchase Intentions in the Fashion E-commerce Industry: An Analysis of Shopee Indonesia
Muhammad Rezky Pratama Arsantio,
Nidia Nurul Putriana,
Sarrah Nurul Istiqomah,
Dr. Tara Fariana Srihadi. |
42. |
Analysis of Vulnerability to Liquefaction Based On N-SPT in the Petobo Area of PALU City
Suriyenni, Hendra Setiawan |
43. |
Generation of Stepped and Combined Twill Weaves
Yumnam Kirani Singh |
44. |
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential of Paneki River, Sigi Regency
Astrid Dwijayanthi, Hendra Setiawan, Sriyati Ramadhani |
45. |
Study of Joule Effect of Aluminium Oxide nanofluid using Cattaneo-Christov over a Cylinder
Zaffer Elahi, Azra Faiz, Azeem Shahzad |
46. |
Equipment Management in Construction Phase I Report
47. |
Identifying Segmental Congestion Index along the Traffic Flow of Rizal Avenue in City Of Manila Using Travel Time Modeling
Patrick Louie Jay R. Federizo, Jocelyn S. Buluran, Karl Kevin T. Agnas, Dale Iverson N. Lacastre, Sonny John G. Santos, Gerome Reister Vergara |
48. |
Promoting Innovations in SMEs- Findings from Kenya
49. |
Development of Disease Diagnostic System Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
Dr. Yelepi Usha Rani, Bolledla Deekshitha , Meda Chandana Reddy , Mudarapu Ramya, Palla Raghavi Reddy |
50. |
Remote Controlled Autonomous Weapon Desıgn And Implementatıon
51. |
PEEK Dental Implant - A Narrative Review
Dr. Shobha. E. S, Dr. Prashanth. N. T, Dr. Vinod Rangan, Anagha. M. D |
52. |
Educational Learning Model by Immersive Virtual Reality Technology for Classroom
Siti Hazyanti Mohd Hashim |
53. |
Why Are Flıght Data Recorders Used On Aırplanes
54. |
Advantages Of Fıfty Generatıon Warplanes
55. |
The Effect Of Human Factors In Avıatıon Accıdents
56. |
Development Of Sıxth Generatıon Combat Aırcraft
57. |
Hypothesis Test on Boosting Competition in an e-Procurement Implementation Assessment Model Framework: A Case Study on the Roads and Highways Division in Bangladesh
Md. Abdur Rashid, Mohammad Shorif Uddin |
58. |
3D Printing and Orthodontics- A review
Dr. Wasu Patil, Dr. Asma Rajan |
59. |
Assessing the success of Information Systems usage in Government Organizations evidence from Jaffna District, Sri Lanka
S.Karthika, J.Sathiyathuma |
60. |
Research on heat transfer capacity of evaporator under different degrees of superheat
Sun Chenwei |
61. |
Environmental Violations in the European Union
Spyridoula Tzortzi, Galateia Kapellakou, Evangelos C. Papakitsos,
Georgia Cheirchanteri |
62. |
Desk review: Needs assessment of care giving prospects of health care providers of ageing population in Pakistan
Dr. Laila Khalfan Surani, Fatima Gohar, Ana Daniel, Dr. Shermin Danish, Fatima Khalfan |
63. |
Joule effect of Au-nanofluid on Cattaneo-Christov model along horizontal cylinder
Fareeha Tariq, Zaffer Elahi, Azeem Shahzad |