S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
Page No. |
1. |
Thermodynamic Study and Analysis of Dimethyl Ether Steam
Reforming Reaction
Zhenguo Luo*, Cong Li |
01-06 |
2. |
Research Status on Speed Range Extension of Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor
Luo Hao, Liu Miao, ZuoshuangXie |
07-15 |
3. |
A Novel Method to Build a Fuzzy Decision Tree Based On Hedge
Lan L V T, Han N M, Hao N C |
16-24 |
4. |
Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Droplet Impact on a
Sphere Particle
Zhiwei Zheng, Dashu Li , Xingqi Qiu |
25-31 |
5. |
The Population Density of Early Warning System Based On
Video Image
Ke CHEN, Yuan-Yuan LI |
32-37 |
6. |
Research status and Development prospects of Extended Range
Electric Vehicle
Yuanchao Mu, Lingshan Chen |
38-40 |
7. |
Application of potential function in molecular dynamics
simulation of natural gas hydrate
Liu Tuo, Chen Yu |
41-45 |
8. |
Technological Analysis of a Solar-Wind-Battery-Diesel Hybrid Energy System with Fuzzy Logic Controller
SK. A Shezan, Noman H Khan, Md. T. Anowar, Md. H. Delwar, Md. H. Reduanul, Md. D. Islam, Md. M. Hasan, Md. A. Kabir |
46-57 |
9. |
The Improvement of the Two Position Aviatic Electic Switch's
Fatigue Life Test System
JIAN Guizhong, ZHOU Zhifeng |
58-61 |
10. |
The Design Scheme of The Control System of The Automatic
Shen Guo-jun, Du Xiang-yang |
62-65 |
11. |
Optimum Design of Suspension Spring
M Ramakotaiah, Alina Dash |
66-73 |
12. |
Power Transfer Capability of Interconnected Power System by
Using FACTS Controllers with OPF Method
Rashmi Ranjan Panigrahi, Ajaya Kumar Swain |
74-84 |
13. |
Brain: Language processor
Bairagi Patra, A Manisha, Priyadarshini Das |
85-89 |
14. |
Computing Permanents of Complex Diagonally Dominant
Matrices and Tensors
Ashutosh Mahapatra, Prachismita Samal, Sushreebehera |
90-101 |