S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
Page No. |
1. |
Based on correlation coefficient in image matching
ZHANG Cheng, ZHOU Zhi-feng |
01-05 |
2. |
Design and research of CNC platform based on CAN bus
Hui Luo, Xiang Yang Du |
06-10 |
3. |
Construction of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition in
Shop-level based on Product
Yang Shun Xin, Guo Yun, Li HongMing, Zhou ZhiGuan |
11-15 |
4. |
Effect of down step on High-Low Tones in Chinese
Maolin Wang |
16-23 |
5. |
Reconstruction of globoidal cam follower motion curve based on
Yuan Liu1, Yigang Hu |
24-28 |
6. |
Exposure rate measurements and radiation control in post
therapy with I131
Marcial Vásquez Arteaga, Carlos Castillo Diestra, Hipólito FloresUrquiaga,
Luis Céspedes Caro, Carlos Morgan Noriega, Yenny Sifuentes Díaz,
KellmanMarín Rengifo |
29-31 |
7. |
A Discrete Algorithm of S-shape Acceleration and Deceleration
Ye Baisheng, Zhang Liqiang |
32-35 |
8. |
Semi-global Leaderless Consensus with Input Saturation
Constraints via Adaptive Protocols
Zhiyang Wu, Jian Li, Fang Song |
36-42 |
9. |
128 Bit Parallel Prefix Tree Structure Comparator
S. ChandraSekhar, J. Lakshmi Prasanna |
43-51 |
Version-2 |
1. |
Compilation and Verification of FatigueLoad Spectrum
ofHighSpeed Maglev VehicleSwing Rod
Gejun, ZHENG Shu Bin, CHAI Xiao dong, WANG Kun |
01-06 |
2. |
Study on Hydraulic Steering System of Automatic Driving
Agricultural Machinery
Zheng Lujie, Zhou Zhifeng, Chen Chang, Dai Jiaming, Tao Zhenyi |
07-12 |
3. |
Research ball-cutter "S" shaped blade curve model
Yu Yun, Huang Lixin |
13-22 |
4. |
Conceptual Fixture Design Method Based On Petri Net
LeiGao, Tenggang Xu |
23-27 |
5. |
Outline of Machinery Fault Diagnosis Methed
Zhou Zhi-guan, Guo Yun, Yang Shun-xin, Li Hong-ming |
28-34 |
6. |
The research of 6-DOF flight simulator washout filter Control Method
Ding Hao , He Fajiang |
35-39 |
7. |
The Antibiotic and Antixenotic Resistance of Some Peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) Varieties after the Organic Fertilizer Application
Henny L. Rampe, Max Tulung, Jantje Pelealu and Semuel D. Runtunuwu |
40-44 |
8. |
Reducer intermodulation noise filter for Transmission Systems Amplitude Modulation
45-51 |
9. |
A adaptive compensation processing method of aeronautical
aluminum alloy thin walled work piece
Kai Zhang, Liqiang Zhang, Jun Zhang |
52-56 |
10. |
A checking fixture design of corrugated pieces in Clutch assembly
of automobile gearbox
Donghui Jiang, Xinping Song, Gong Wang |
57-62 |
11. |
Simulation study on the fracture splitting process parameters of the large end of the connecting rod of a certain engine
Gong Wang , Xinping Song, Donghui Jiang |
63-67 |
12. |
Data Hibernation service and Service Oriented Architecture in
Cloud Computing
Elina Pattanaik, Bibhu Prasad Sahu |
68-73 |
13. |
Emotional Intelligence and Efficient Utilization of Human
Dipti Ranjan Sahoo, Ashok Kumar Panigrahi |
74-77 |
14. |
Elastic cement Mechanical and dynamical properties
Jyotikusum Acharya, Raghupatruni Bhima Rao, Raushan Gupta |
78-90 |
15. |
Extension and Strength Properties Of Cement Containing Reused
Solid Total
Saleema Panda, Murari Prasad Panda, Kankanmandal |
91-106 |