S. No. |
Manuscript Title & Author Name |
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1. |
Energy Demand Analysis of Telecom Towers of Nepal with Strategic Scenario Development and Potential Energy cum Cost Saving with Renewable Energy Technology Options
Shree Krishna Khadka, JaganNath Shrestha, Shree Raj Shakya, Lochan Lal Amatya |
01-08 |
2. |
Implementation and Design of AES S-Box on FPGA
Chandrasekhar Savalam1 & Prasanti Korapati |
09-14 |
3. |
A study of coupling parameters for solar wind magnetosphere interaction.
Dr.Rashmi Patowary |
15-19 |
5. |
Bionic Nursing Bed
Ding Honghan, Hang Lubin, Cheng Wushan, Lu Jiuru, Wang Yuzhao, Cai Jin, Sun Qifeng |
31-35 |
6. |
A New Detection Method for Self-lubricating Spherical Plain Bearing Woven Liner Bounding Quality
Ding Honghan, Hang Lubin , Chen Youguang, Lu Jiuru, Bian Huaiqiang |
36-39 |
7. |
A Propulsion Mechanism of Cleaning Boat Applied For
Non-Structural Environments
BIAN Huai-Qiang, HANG Lu-Bin, HUANG Li-Xin, FU Zhi-Yu, CAI Jin,
DING Hong-Han, GUO Wei |
40-47 |
8. |
Decision Support System for Energy Saving Analysis in Manufacturing Industry
D. O. Fakorede, A. I. Babatunde, S. A. OJOMU |
48-64 |
9. |
The Construction of Virtual Surgical Clamp Based on the Haptic Feedback System
FU Zhi-yu, HANG Lu-bin, HUANG Xiao-bo, BIAN Huai-qiang, LU Jiu-ru, XU Hai, LI Chang,HUANG FU Yabo |
65-70 |
10. |
A Two-DOF Parallel Mechanism Analysis Based on Position and Orientation Characteristics Theory
XU Hai, HANG Lubin, SHEN Chenwei, CAI Jin, BIAN Huaiqiang, WANG Yuzhao, LI Chang |
71-73 |
11. |
Investigations on Milling Tool: - A Literature Review
Sonal C Yogi, Rahul kumar sen, Mayank kumar Madia, Pragnesh K Brahmbhatt |
74-80 |
Version-2 |
1. |
Research on Contact Characteristics between Bump End Effector and Wafer
Jiang Cheng1,Fang Song,Yigang Hu,Tao Chen |
01-06 |
2. |
Investigation into the Energy Demand for Palm Nut Cracking Using the Static Impact Method
O. J. Esua, D. N. Onwe, V. E. Etuk, J. U. Okoko |
07-16 |
3. |
Building an Ontology in Educational Domain Case Study for the University of Palestine
Professor Samy S. Abu Naser, Rasha R. Atallah, Sahar Hamo |
17-21 |
4. |
Mobile Cloud Computing: Academic Services for Palestinian Higher Education Institutions (MCCAS)
Prof. Samy S. Abu Naser, Mahmoud Abu Ghosh, Rasha R. Atallah |
22-27 |
5. |
Generic Security Framework for Multiple Heterogeneous Virtual Infrastructures
Darshan R, Chetan Raga |
28-34 |
6. |
Wine from Water Melon Juice Using Palm Wine Yeast Isolate
Hafsat B. Biri, Omar G. Pan, Yahaya M. Musa, Ezeribe A.I |
35-40 |
7. |
Involvement Of Insects In The Transmission Of Banana Blood Disease
Vivi B. Montong, Redsway T.D. Maramis, Jantje Pelealu, and Christina L. Salaki |
41-44 |
8. |
Prime Ring With d 3n+1Contained In The Nucleus.
Y.s.n.satyanarayana1, Dr. A. Anjaneyulu#2, Dr. D.prabhakara Reddy |
45-47 |
9. |
Keypad Based Bank Locker Security System Using Gsm Technology
P V L N Phani, O Narendra Kumar Reddy, R Manisha Reddy |
48-53 |
10. |
Aerodynamic Analysis of Low Speed Turbulent Flow Over A Delta
Wing Sanjay Kumar Sardiwal, K. Devanand Chakravarthy, Narote Mounika, C. Agnihotra Reddy |
54-61 |
11. |
Artificial Recharge to Alluvial Aquifer, Northeastern Nuba Mountains, Sudan.
Dafalla Siddig Dafalla |
62-66 |
12. |
Analysis Between Embedded Systems and Information Appliances
Padhmakumar P. K. |
67-72 |